Melina Polychronopoulou

Embroidered light is my new inspiration!

Further to my studies in printed textiles in London at the Chelsea College of Art, I have been drawing and designing mostly on paper with ecoline inks creating patterns and fabrics. This led me in experimenting throughout the years by making drawings and paintings presenting them in galleries.

I was always drawn by the effect of light on surfaces. Having the vivid memory of my grandmother sewing on her Singer machine, I felt the urge to combine my art with threads and light creating as a result a series of these radiant-bright drawings. Their visual effect differs the moment the light I have placed at the back of the plexiglas box is turned on. The tiny holes that occurred from the needle of the sewing machine and the different kinds of paper used each time, let the light come through in unexpected ways. I also engaged the mounting paper in the process giving it the chance to be part of my art.

Life is more and more unpredictable each day. Still there is always light in all forms we just need to let it out.