Manes Pangalos

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
Mark Twain
Manes was born in London in 1967 to a family originating from Chios , Greece. He has lived in London, Athens, Montreux and Brazzaville.
He was awarded a MSc in International Hospitality and Tourism Management by the European University in Switzerland.
He was passionate about photography from a very early age and attended seminars and lectures by leading international portrait photographers. In 2009 he started working as a professional photographer at his own, private studio located near the Acropolis of Athens.
His photographic work has received numerous international awards (SWPP) in London. He has exhibited in two solo exhibitions, The Changing Face of Greece, in London 2012 and Chios 2012.
Mark Twain
Manes was born in London in 1967 to a family originating from Chios , Greece. He has lived in London, Athens, Montreux and Brazzaville.
He was awarded a MSc in International Hospitality and Tourism Management by the European University in Switzerland.
He was passionate about photography from a very early age and attended seminars and lectures by leading international portrait photographers. In 2009 he started working as a professional photographer at his own, private studio located near the Acropolis of Athens.
His photographic work has received numerous international awards (SWPP) in London. He has exhibited in two solo exhibitions, The Changing Face of Greece, in London 2012 and Chios 2012.